Introducing our new and improved website!
Welcome to our brand new website! Boasting a cleaner, professional and simple look, we believe that our new interface will provide you with the necessary information that you need about investing with Dhillon Partners, or selling your business. Contact us if we can...
One Decade Of Investing Netted Him over 1,000 Units with Kevin Dhillon
If you don’t believe that being consistent and doing something towards your goals everyday, can pay off big in the long run, then you haven’t heard this episode. Kevin came to the states and had no investment properties here to start. He and his wife worked...
Aussie couple buys 324 units in 6 years and are not slowing down!
Building a real estate portfolio can be a slow methodical process for most people – but not for the Dhillons. This couple from Australia has grown a dynamic cash flowing investment portfolio from scratch that has recently exploded exponentially! In this episode,...