In 2024, our objective is to execute a buy, build, and exit in the Accounting and Insurance industries, located in Texas, California, and in the North East of the US. We are particularly interested in partnering with successful business owners who are looking to simultaneously take their business to the next level and experience a liquidity event. Our business investment philosophy is simple – how can we help add value to you? We take a personal approach to ensuring value is protected and enhanced for each company and in turn, the communities they serve.

Deals Closed to Date

Over $90MM USD

Total Buying Power


With our wealth of experience and successful track record, Dhillon Partners is well positioned to take your business to the next level, by implementing conservative goals which protect your business legacy, staff and brand retention.

Target Business size

Greater than $1MM in turnover


Target Business EBITDA

$200K to $5MM

Target Business Age

Greater than 3 years

Unlock the full potential of your business and achieve your goals.

Don’t miss this opportunity to capitalize on your success and secure the future you’ve always envisioned.

Contact Dhillon Partners today and let us help you unlock the full potential of your business.

Schedule a Meeting
